Starr and Caspar were confiscated by the Houston SPCA in a neglect case that was filmed by the Discovery Channel and which will be featured in an upcoming episode of Animal Planet Cops-Houston (much like our own Sid and 2 of our staff members were featured back in 2005 on Animal Planet Heroes-Phoenix).

Starr and Caspar are ready for freedom and a better life

According to our friend and contact in Houston, Anne Anderson: "They were kenneled separately at the SPCA, but when we got them out and put them together in the car, they were so happy to be together. They were confiscated together but I'm not sure how long they've been together. I assume that they were used as a breeding pair. They were not altered until this week. I guess they could be siblings though. They do look alike except the female is a bit smaller than the male. They are stunning! ...Really awesome dispositions - so social. All happy wags and big ears, very curious about people. They are around 3-4 years old or maybe younger,,, , Beautiful large and extremely friendly dogs. They are very social with humans and other dogs. Have not tested them with cats. They have awesome dispositions. I just cannot imagine neglecting these two. They love each other and humans. They are keepers for sure. They are boarding at Dr. H's now. I don't have room at my house for them. If I did, I would foster them."

Thanks to Anne, the paperwork for a flight with ARF (Animal Rescue Flights) will be filed this coming week and then Starr and Caspar will be winging their way to Arizona.

UPDATE 1/18: In an exciting development, it looks like the Animal Planet film crew may be traveling to Phoenix with the dogs on their ARF flight. We don't have any details as yet, so please check back. It looks like White German Shepherd Rescue may be hitting the Animal Planet airwaves again!

UPDATE 1/19: We are disappointed to learn that the film crew could not work out the logistics of sending its personnel to Phoenix with the dogs. It's our understanding that they will be following up with the dogs in a month or so in Phoenix.

UPDATE 1/20: The dogs' flight has been CONFIRMED for Saturday! The same pilots (Norman and Dan) who brought us Coltrane from Houston in October will be winging their way to us with Starr and Caspar on board. Thanks to our volunteers Traci and Katherine who are on board to meet the flight, and to foster dad Tom (who fostered Lady and Buster) who will be fostering this pair for us.

CLICK TO SEE Starr & Caspar's journey from Houston to Phoenix

DELATED UPDATE: Thanks to Sandra (who picked the the dogs up from Dr. Huddleston and drove them to the Houston airport at the crack of dawn), Norm (the pilot who flew from Houston to El Paso), Dan (the pilot who flew from El Paso to Deer Valley), Katherine & Traci (who met the dogs at Deer Valley, and Tom (who also went to Deer Valley and picked up his new fosters), Starr & Caspar are now safe and sound in Phoenix.

Caspar, followed by Starr, checks out the yard

Starr needs to pack on some pounds

Starr & Caspar relax at their new foster home after a very long day

1/29 FOSTER UPDATE: "They're doing great and have adjusted well. Sunday 01/23/2011 was a long day as everyone got adjusted to their new surroundings. Caspar is another great dog, very laid back and a good listener, although he can get very energetic as well. Neither Caspar or Starr seem to be into playing ball or fetch; they do like to chew though. Starr is definitely trying to exert herself as the dominant female but Belle [Tom's Jack Russell Terrier] holds her ground. She also gets jealous sometimes when giving attention to Caspar or Belle. A couple things have been chewed up if left around; told my daughter she needs to get all her toys off the floor when she is done playing!

Five year old MacKenzie joins her new best friends in their "house"

"They are eating very well and I think I have noticed an improvement just this week. They do well on a leash and seem to be very content with a lot of attention. They really love the attention my daughter gives them and haven t seen any behavior that would concern me. On Thursday Mackenzie even held dog school in her room for about an hour where she was trying to teach them tricks, read books to them, and show them her toys. I ll try and get more pictures, but sometimes it is tough when you re the only around because all they want to do is be under my feet."

No shortage of kisses from Starr

MacKenzie & Starr

Feeling better...

...and looking better

3/23 FOSTER UPDATE: "...they have been steadily improving with both behavior and their weight. Caspar is a wonderful dog in every respect, could use a little bit more training, but otherwise a very good guy. Belle actually really likes him and they lay together a lot in the kennel!

"Both dogs love the attention from my daughter and never once has there been any aggression whatsoever towards her, just friendly looks and follow her around.

"Starr can be challenging at times, she definitely likes to stand over Belle and bark at her and assert herself. I correct her of this a lot, but it does continue. They are both great leash dogs and love to go for walks. When we run into people in the neighborhood there has never been an issue; they just love the attention. They do like to play fight a lot and it does get rough from time to time with Starr taking most of the abuse. I do try and get them to stop a lot of this, but hey dogs will be dogs."

Best friends

FOSTER UPDATE 4/6: On April 1st Leah the dog trainer was out here and they have learned quite a bit since. Caspar and Starr are now excellent on a leash and I am quite sure someday they could be trusted to walk without a leash. They also have a much greater respect for all things Daddy owns and are quick learners. It s wonderful to see them finally improve drastically. They still absolutely love Mackenzie and all the attention she gives them. They really have turned into another set of wonderful dogs.

UPDATE 5/13: Summer is fast approaching and school will soon be out. Starr and Caspar's foster dad is planning on traveling much of the summer, and so we have been asked to find new lodging for Starr and Caspar. We are faced with the formidable task of finding a foster home for 2 dogs -- but even better would be an ADOPTIVE home for 2 dogs. Please email if you'd like to meet this pair.