*TEN* IN A NUTSHELL: Very laid back, smaller-sized male. Food motivated.
Ten first came to our attention thanks to our volunteer, Betty. We didn't have room, but Betty offered to take one of our girls for a couple weeks if we could find room. Of course, we took her up on her offer.

According to the shelter, Ten was found as a stray in early September. "He solicits attention, is easy to pull from and return to kennel, is easy on a loose lead, not interested in toys, a little grabby with treats, knows sit, and ignores other dogs when walking past their kennels. Allows petting on head, neck and body. Is housed with another male K9."

UPDATE 10/14: Betty met Ten at the shelter today and couldn't say enough nice things about him, and so we agreed to add him to our rescue family.

UPDATE 10/17: Thanks to volunteer Betty, Ten was surrendered to our care this afternoon. This is the sweetest guy ever, but it is obvious that he has not had a very easy life (nor a loving and caring owner). We will make sure he gets the best of food and care so that his wounds will heal and he will know love.

UPDATE 12/15: Ten moved into central Phoenix this afternoon with new foster dad, Bob. Bob also has a home in Payson where Ten will enjoy the summer months. We're looking forward to happy updates and pictures.

Ten and Bob

FOSTER UPDATE 2/17: "Ten has been with me for about 6 weeks now. He has a very gentle spirit. He loves to be with his human companion. He will lay on the shower rug and wait for me come out. If it takes too long, he may start to cry. He does not seem to crazy about wanting to jump in my truck and going for a ride. He needs lots of encouragement to get in. Once he is in and riding, he is fine. But then he needs lots of encouragement to get out of the truck. Maybe because its a high jump in and out of the truck.

Ten is very food motivated. I am not an official K9 trainer, but I think Ten can be trained easily with treats. He can stay in the house for 12-14 hours without having an accident. However, he does not like to be alone. So it is a good idea to crate him or keep him secure in the back yard.

If you leave any food on the counter, consider it gone. He's a counter surfer!! He won't do it in front of you. He will wait until you are out of sight or at night when you are asleep. Ten is very smart and learns fast. If told to sit and stay, he will not touch his food until he has permission to do so.

Ten loves to see you when you come home. He is always willing to provide hugs and licks. His hearing is impeccable. If he is laying down in another room, he will hear you get up from your chair and find you to see what you are up to. If he hears a dog bark on TV, he needs to explore.

Ten is looking for his forever home and he deserves one. He is easy to love and he has a lot of love to give. He is healthy and requires no medication. He only requires love. He has some separation anxiety but that can be controlled."

Adoption fee $295.00.

If you are interested in Ten, please fill out our PROSPECTIVE ADOPTER'S QUESTIONNAIRE. You will be contacted by return email. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please Email Nancy at WhiteGSDRescue@AOL.com. This questionnaire link is only for Ten or other white German Shepherds on our site. WE WILL NOT CONTACT YOU until a questionnaire has been completed.

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