*LULU* IN A NUTSHELL: Good with people once she gets to know them and other dogs. Cats are an unknown.
Lulu comes to us from the same shelter that brought us Denver. They have a very wonderful rescue coordinator who saw Lulu and who immediately intercepted when Lulu made the e-list. Tara wrote, "I apologize for the extreme urgency of this message but this girl is in extreme danger. She is 2 years old, came in with a nasty wound on her rear foot. Medical team thought she may end up needing an amputation. However, after dedicated daily bandage changes, her foot is finally on the mend and no amputation will be warranted. However, she is starting to show signs of kennel stress. That combined with her medical needs has put her at risk. She has until 5 pm today to be tagged by rescue. If you can take her, shelter is willing to spay her. And I will work on getting her to you! She is currently getting bandage changes every 5 days and our medical team was stoked on her progress so far!"

"Lulu A335960 - listed as a 2 year old white German shepherd, female, 58 pounds. Miss Lulu came into the Shelter and was very shy, skittish, and timid but has really come out of her shell when interacting with people! She loves playing fetch and spending time with her people. With slow introductions, she would love some time being around other dogs to help continue to build her confidence. The Shelter is a very scary place for this girl, and she is starting to shut down in her kennel. She has a previous injury to her back paw that will require some more time to heal, and the best place for her to do that would be in a loving home! Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything in order to tag!"


We took a look at the videos that Tara sent, as well as Lulu's foot and noticed that she was not favoring the foot or leg in any way. She was good with other dogs and friendly and, as Tara said, her foot was on the mend, so we agreed to take her. When asked what caused the injury, Tara thought she could have been hit by a car, but we'll never know for sure. All we know is that Lulu is healing well, is sound on all four legs, and she needs our help.

Shelter photos

UPDATE 11/28: We received from wonderful news from Tara at the Stockton (California) Animal Shelter this morning. After Nancy's transport for DeeDee (from Stanislaus) and Lulu fell through, Tara reached out to some wonderful dog lovers who volunteered to make the long drive from California to Phoenix and bring both girls to us!! They will be leaving California tomorrow (Wednesday, the 29th) and should arrive in Phoenix some time late tomorrow night.

UPDATE 11/29: A text from Tara told us that Lulu was on her way to Phoenix.

Lulu thanks Tara as she leaves the Stockton shelter
Meghan, the shelter supervisor, really went the extra mile to get Lulu out alive

Lulu took a little more coaxing before she was willing to come out of the van and say hello

UPDATE 3/29:

Lulu shows Peanut how to solve the puzzle box in order to get treats ~ she got most of them!

UPDATE 6/22: We have completely missed the boat on updating Lulu's bio page! She has done beautifully in her current foster home with one of our staff members. She is up to her ideal weight and is healthy and ready for a new home. Lu gets along with other male dogs and loves to play.

Although a small scar can be seen, Lu's foot injury is completely healed with no lasting side effects or limitations ~ she runs like the wind

Adoption fee $325.00.

If you are interested in Lulu, please fill out our PROSPECTIVE ADOPTER'S QUESTIONNAIRE. You will be contacted by return email. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please Email Nancy at This questionnaire link is only for Lulu or other white German Shepherds on our site. WE WILL NOT CONTACT YOU until a questionnaire has been completed.

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